Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a chemical found in the nucleus of cells and carries the "instructions" for the development and functioning of living organisms.
If you want to know more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA
In DNA strings, symbols "A" and "T" are complements of each other, as "C" and "G". Your function receives one side of the DNA (string, except for Haskell); you need to return the other complementary side. DNA strand is never empty or there is no DNA at all (again, except for Haskell).
More similar exercise are found here: http://rosalind.info/problems/list-view/ (source)
Example: (input --> output)
"GTAT" --> "CATA"
(ns complementary-dna-tests
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[complementary-dna :refer [dna-strand]]))
(deftest sample-tests
(is (= (dna-strand "ATCG") "TAGC")))
(ns complementary-dna)
(defn dna-strand [dna]
(clojure.string/replace dna #"A|T|C|G" {"A" "T" "T" "A" "C" "G" "G" "C"})
(ns complementary-dna)
(defn dna-strand [dna]
(apply str (map {\A \T \C \G \G \C \T \A} dna)))
(ns complementary-dna)
(require '[clojure.string :refer [replace]])
(defn dna-strand [dna]
(replace dna #"\S" {"A" "T" "C" "G" "T" "A" "G" "C"}))